Taman Kehidupan

.........have we try really hard to prepare ourselves in this life, for this life and the hereafter? how would we look when we return to Allah SWT, or could we even meet His face, the everlasting Light?.....may Allah guide us to the light/truth and keep us on the straight path, amiin.

picture taken from here  

5 komentar:

Kika mengatakan...

It's so beautiful.

Echa mengatakan...

yes indeed, just like heaven on earth...

amethys mengatakan...

salam kenal juga Echa...
disini banyak taman2 indah kaya di pics Echa.
Pernah ada tamu dari Indonesia dan saya bawa ke "Buchart garden" dia sampai bengong dan bilang...ini pasti heaven

echa mengatakan...

wow what a nice life..., ntar kalo kita kesana ajak keliling taman juga yaaa, btw halamanmu juga asri banget deh,take care mba Wieda ^_^

anna fardiana mengatakan...

hm...have I??
hm...masih jauh sepertinya persiapan yang saya lakukan... kurang banget persiapannya..especially for the hereafter of this life.. :(