...do you have the courage to? yes, I ask you whether you have the courage to stop thinking so much and go where your heart takes you...because we try to do that. And we find it sometimes a bit difficult...but we struggle to run after...our truly dreams and hopes. Will you do the same? May Allah bless and guide us always... ^_^
About Inspiration
- 25.11.09
...do you have the courage to? yes, I ask you whether you have the courage to stop thinking so much and go where your heart takes you...because we try to do that. And we find it sometimes a bit difficult...but we struggle to run after...our truly dreams and hopes. Will you do the same? May Allah bless and guide us always... ^_^
Taman Kehidupan
- 11.11.09
.........have we try really hard to prepare ourselves in this life, for this life and the hereafter? how would we look when we return to Allah SWT, or could we even meet His face, the everlasting Light?.....may Allah guide us to the light/truth and keep us on the straight path, amiin.
picture taken from here
It's Temporary Report Season....!
31 Oktober lalu angels-nya mama dibagikan rapor bayangannya. Kaka
Alifya as always...she is the best in class. Kata papa yg jd pengganti
peran mama sbg pengambil rapor...ga sangka yah, ibu/bapak gurunya kaka
selalu deh kebagian bagusnya kelakuan kaka....yg sabar, mandiri,
pinter,....itu kalo di sekolah bu, pak, kalo di rumah mah suka kumat
cengengnya atau isengnya apalagi ma adek2. Tapi ga pa pa namanya juga masih anak2,
lagian mama papa ga boleh protes...toh selama ini ga banyak keluarin
tenaga ngajarin kaka macem2 tinggal terima pinternya dari sekolah hasil
didikan guru-guru, urusan akhlak mah justru tanggungjawab ortu kudu
ambil porsi terbesar dong ^_^
lets see Aqeela's report : hehe yang ini lain lagi, kata bu guru
April...Aqeela hebat di diskusi dan tanya jawab, tapi urusan baca tulis
huruf alfabet dan hijaiyah waduuuh males banget angel yg satu ini.
Alhasil, dia kudu ikut les baca tulis sepekan dua kali after class.
Mungkin karena udah TK B ya, persiapan masuk SD. Hih kasian deh ya
anak2 sekarang. Keep up the spirit yah sayang ^_^
How about Ayesha? O-oh angel yg suka protes dipanggil adek ini (tenang aja dek, bentar lagi qta program dede bayi cowok buat kamu yah) trnyata pendiam di kelas sodara-sodara. Aih masa sih....dia yg paling cerewet dan nyaring di rumah bu guru Muti, coba aja suruh ngarang cerita, she is unstopable (bener gak ya istilahnya) dan liatlah gayanya ketika bertuturcerita...so expressive. Wah, mama akan konsultasi dgn bu guru segera nih...to find out what's the missing link ^_^
Nah, begitulah sekilas laporan acara bagi rapor bayangan bidadari2 rumah kami ^_^ let's continue our life journey angels and be mom's sweet gilrs always.....amiin.
pic. taken from private collection of Inne Hardjanto
pic. taken from private collection of Inne Hardjanto
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